Urban October 2024

© Nerea Marti Sesarino

Cities are our future. Already more than half of the world’s population lives in cities

Urbanisation is a global megatrend. Today, around 55 per cent of the world’s population already live in cities. By 2050, this figure will have risen to more than 75 per cent – to around seven billion people. Small and medium-sized cities in Africa and Asia are growing rapidly. The speed and scale of urbanisation are especially challenging.

By 2050, over 90 percent of the global population growth will take place in cities and global building stock is expected to double – even quadruple in some countries. In Africa alone, two-thirds of future cities are yet to be built. The role of cities as the main habitat of future generations stresses the importance of building cities that are sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and just.

Inclusion must also be considered

Additionally, around 1.3 billion people, that is 16% of the world’s population, are affected by one or more forms of disability. A further 9% of the world’s population is made up of older people who are restricted in their everyday lives by barriers. This means that a quarter of the world’s population is affected by some sort of restriction or disability – over half of whom live in cities. People with disabilities are especially challenged by barriers in the environment and negative attitudes among fellow human beings (physical or socio-cultural barriers). These prevent people with disabilities from participating in social life on an equal footing.

To tackle the above-mentioned challenges the international urban community needs an exchange on these important topics. An integrated approach to urban development pursues a simultaneous and balanced consideration of all existing plans, concerns and interests that are relevant to urban development.


With the urgency for more sustainable, just and inclusive cities in mind, the United Nations launched the “Urban October”; a month of events dedicated to promote a better urban future. Every year, UN-HABITAT calls upon its partners to organise activities, events and discussions on urban sustainability to advance cooperation and the exchange of expertise.

Urban October 24

For the seventh time now, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) contributes its own programme for the Urban October. From October 1st until October 31st, several GIZ projects as well as external partners will give some insights into their achievements and their work.

Don’t miss it and check out our event programme for the Urban October 2024!


© Unsplash/Wes Lewis