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Urban October 2024 @ GIZ

Urban October is an opportunity started by UN Habitat for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in our cities and towns. Each October, everyone interested in sustainable urbanization from national and local governments to universities, NGOs, and communities is encouraged to hold or participate in activities, events, and discussions. The month begins with World Habitat Day on the first Monday of the month and ends with World Cities Day on 31 October. Activities take place on those specific days or at any time during the month. Every year, GIZ Sector Programme Cities hosts an elaborate event programme throughout the month, which will be acessible on

Unlocking Funding for Sustainable Urban Development: Opportunities and Insights

YouTube Streaming

Opening Presentation: Mauricio Vélez from Asobancaria will deliver a presentation on the key opportunities for cities to access financing instruments and the challenges in promoting a fair and low-carbon urban transition. Panel Discussion: A panel will feature representatives from KFW, the World Bank, BID, discussing the development bank agenda and opportunities for financing sustainable urban projects. Closing Presentation: The event will conclude with a case study presentation from a local perspective like Findeter, providing practical insights and examples.

ISCN Online Advisory Programme: Green infrastructure in smart cities


In this Online Advisory Programme of the International Smart Cities Network (ISCN) we want to come together on Green infrastructure in Smart Cities. The twin transition of digitalization and sustainability will take place mainly in cities. And there is no climate-resilient cities without more trees. How can technology (sensors, platforms, etc.) and a protection and fostering of the organic, like trees, be meaningfully combined for common good-oriented infrastructure in cities? Discover some inspiring use cases with us and join the discussion! Click here to participate:

Human Rights Based Approach in Risk-Informed Urban Development


Human rights are everyone’s rights! So how can we ensure them in urban development? Join us in this online session on integrating a human rights-based approach (HRBA) into risk-informed urban development. After a brief introduction to the topic, practitioners from organization such as Slum Dwellers International and Build Change will give us insights into the realities of applying a human rights approach in selected countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. A Q&A session will follow, aiming to deepen participants’ understanding of HRBA in urban development, and learning from experiences to protect and promote human rights. GIZ internal event. For registration please contact