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Partnerships for Urban Development: GIZ´s Experiences in Germany, EU and the Global South


Decentralised development cooperation, e.g. through city-to-city partnerships plays a pivotal role in advancing the 2030 Agenda and a growing number of cities worldwide – from Germany, Europe and the Global South – are actively engaged in the exchange of expertise and knowledge. GIZ is actively involved in facilitating new forms of municipal collaboration.  This session will provide a colourful snapshot of the diversity of GIZ´s experiences in fostering such partnerships and discuss lessons learned as well as trends and opportunities on the way ahead with a panel from BMZ, EU, and GIZ.     Please note that this event is for GIZ employees only.

How can urban development agencies support sustainable urban development?


The event will discuss opportunities of urban development agencies (UDAs) to foster the management of sustainable urban development. Further, it will discuss distinct operational characteristics and institutional settings of UDAs in theory and in practice. It will draw examples from a study on UDAs worldwide, published in 2022 by the GIZ Sector project Cities and highlight the current experiences from Brazil where, not only do UDAs support local urban management, but even a national network of Brazilian municipal UDAs (InREDE) has been established recently. INVOLVED Irene Wöbke, Advisor, GIZ Sector Project Cities, Germany Daniel Wagner, Advisor, GIZ Sustainable Urban Development, Brazil Élcio Batista – Vice Mayor of Fortaleza and president of InREDE (tbc)

28th Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the UNFCCC

Dubai, UAE

COP28 UAE is a milestone opportunity for the world to come together, course correct, and drive progress. We need everyone to be more ambitious in the fight against climate change to meet the goals and ambition of the Paris Agreement. COP28 will emphasize a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to climate action. Underscoring all efforts are the principles of transformation, solidarity, pragmatism, and inclusivity. The world needs a COP of action and a COP for all.

Data-Driven Cities: Conference for the Urban Common Good 2024

Nairobi, Kenya; Online

The Data-Driven Cities Conference takes place on 12-13 February 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya as well as online (hybrid format). It brings together stakeholders from city and national governments, academia, business and civil society from Germany, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. It focuses on data use for urban well-being. Participants will discuss the need of urban data strategies, exchange information and share good practices on urban data-driven projects – all to jointly pave the way towards urban prosperity and sustainability.

Buildings and Climate Global Forum 2024

Paris, France

The Buildings and Climate Global Forum, co-organised by France and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the support of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, will take place on 7-8 March 2024 in Paris. The Forum aims to gather for the first time ministers and high-level representatives of key organisations, to initiate a new impetus in international collaboration for building decarbonisation and resilience after the Conference of the Parties (COP) 28. During two days, this Forum will provide a unique opportunity to engage with ministers in charge of decarbonisation and resilience of the buildings, real estate, and construction sectors from all world regions. High-level representatives and experts of key stakeholder organisations will be invited, across the entire buildings sector value chain, including local authorities, NGOs, and businesses. Over 800 participants are expected. Many sessions on key topics, CEO and ministerial roundtables, plenary meetings, solution exhibitions, and pitches will provide the opportunity to exchange, network and work together. Governments will be invited to endorse a common declaration outlining common principles and cooperation framework for global efforts to achieve decarbonisation and climate change resilience in the buildings sector. All stakeholders of the buildings sector will be invited to disclose specific […]

UN-Habitat Executive Board

Nairobi, Kenya

The Executive Board assumes oversight of the operational functions of UN-Habitat, the only program mandated for urban development within the UN system. The BMZ is responsible for participation in the Executive Board and represents the German position on UN-Habitat and sustainable urban development.

Global Solutions Summit 2024

Berlin, Germany

The Global Solutions Summit is the world’s premier forum for transforming research-based insights into policy recommendations for the G7/G20. Its goal is better global governance for the common good. This high-level meeting brings together senior government officials with top-level academic researchers, NGO leaders, and international CEOs.

World Cities Summit


The biennial World Cities Summit (WCS) is an exclusive platform for government leaders and industry experts to address liveable and sustainable city challenges, share integrated urban solutions and forge new partnerships.

Daring Cities Conference 2024

Bonn, Germany

Daring Cities 2024, organized by ICLEI and hosted by the Federal City of Bonn, aims to strengthen the capacity and engagement of local and regional government leaders in the international climate dialogue, connecting them to the broader agenda of upcoming COPs and ensuring their pivotal role in advancing towards new climate goals in advance of UNFCCC COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in 2025. Building on the success and insights from previous years, Daring Cities 2024 will explore the theme of collective action in the face of the climate emergency. The event will facilitate exchanges among policymakers, technical experts, and leaders from around the world to share knowledge, showcase innovative climate actions, and foster ambitious and unlikely collaborations. Daring Cities 2024 is designed to empower local and regional governments to become leaders in climate action, advocating for integrated solutions that address the interconnected challenges of the climate emergency, biodiversity loss, and urban resilience.

60th Sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies

Bonn, Germany

The 60th sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) are scheduled to take place in June 2024.

Urban Future 24: Ready for Rotterdam! #UF24

Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Center

Urban Future is a series of events, field trips, sessions and workshops where everything revolves around sustainable urban development. The main question is: How do we make our cities better? From 5 to 7 June 2024, the city of Rotterdam will welcome CityChangers from all over the world at the main conference venue – Rotterdam AHOY. The entire first week of June will be filled with side events and social happenings throughout the city and beyond. What is it all about? The #UF24 core themes include Climate Adaptation, Building Sustainable Cities, Social Aspects of Transformation plus Leadership and Personal Growth. The overall goal of the event is to accelerate the transformation to sustainable cities by connecting relevant stakeholders, regardless if they are representing municipalities, start-ups, NGOs or business industry leaders.

Ukraine Recovery Conference

Berlin, Germany

The URC2024 is a continuation of the annual series of high-level political events dedicated to the swift recovery and long-term reconstruction of Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. It is also the first Ukraine Recovery Conference hosted in an EU member state and comes at a critical time for Ukraine. The conference will reflect the Lugano principles, including a “whole of society” approach to recovery through the meaningful participation of a broad range of stakeholders. Upholding the spirit of the Ukraine Reform Conferences that took place up until 2022, the URC2024 will also showcase Ukrainian reform progress in the context of its economic resilience and the EU accession process.