
High-Level Policy Dialogue on the Malaga Global Coalition for Municipal Finance

The Málaga Global Coalition for Municipal Finance was created in 2018 by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), in collaboration with its technical partner the Global Fund for Cities Development (FMDV). UNCDF is the United Nations hub for subnational finance. The Málaga Coalition aims to equip subnational governments with financial and technical support to realize their full potential in the provision of sustainable public services and infrastructures to drive the required transformation.

The upcoming third conference will bring together key actors, including mayors, government ministers, development banks, capital market authorities and commercial banks, who are at the forefront of designing and implementing the five elements of the Malaga Coalition policy agenda. Through dedicated roundtable discussions, the event will further unpack how the international financial architecture can be more friendly to local and regional governments and showcase concrete solutions illustrated by different country cases. The conference will also convene special guests to discuss innovative financing mechanisms, such as leveraging the cultural and creative sector for sustainable development, and to share findings of the third edition of the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment (SNG-WOFI).

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