The Transformative Urban Coalitions project, financed under IKI, seeks to capture inspiring stories from the ground as well as background knowledge on climate change, its impacts, as well as solutions available. To motivate, inspire and create opportunities for transforming cities to be green, inclusive, sustainable and zero-carbon, Oscar-winning filmmakers Dirk Wilutzky and Mathilde Bonnefoy are producing a series of short films. Some of these short films will be screened followed by a panel discussion.
Dirk Wilutzky, filmmaker
Debra Roberts, IPCC Co-Chair, Scientist
Xiaomeng Shen, Director UNU-EHS & Vice Rector in Europe UNU
Lucas Turmena, Researcher and TUC focal point Brazil
Vera Rodenhoff, BMWK (tbc)
Please note that this event is upon invitation only.