Event Programme
Good Practice: Pop-up bike lanes during the Pandemic | Pop-up-Fahrradwege während der Pandemie
Reducing the number of accidents, while at the same time increasing safety for everyone? Bogotá showed us, that this is possible and that the key to promote sustainable urban planning and environmentally friendly mobility are pop-up bike lanes. The concept of pop-up bike lanes, which emerged especially due to the COVID pandemic, is spreading not only in Bogotá, but also worldwide, for example in Berlin. Both cities face the challenge that for a long time the principle of the car-friendly city was pursued in urban and transport planning. With an increase in cyclists during the pandemic and the limitation of public space, it was necessary to rethink and meet the needs of residents, for example to increase road safety for cyclists.
This Good Practice outlines the undertaken measures in transport planning, the opinions of residents to the new concept and how in the end all road users can benefit from pop-up bike lanes in the long term, whether in Bogotá or Berlin.
INVOLVED: Sebastián Posada García (Bicycle and Pedestrian Sub-Dictorate, Bogotá), Dr. Lea Wisken (Head of Cycling and Pedestrian Coordination Office, Berlin)
Good Practice: Frankfurt (Oder) – Slubice: Gemeinsam gegen die Pandemie | Together against the pandemic
Together against the pandemic – cross-border solidarity between Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Słubice, Poland.
The Corona pandemic had a great impact on the lives of people in the partner city of Słubice and Frankfurt (Oder). Especially citizens living at the border area were impacted by the restrictions – commuters could no longer pass to the other side of the river for work, families could no longer see each other. Despite all this, it was possible to organise support with great civil society commitment through direct and rapid communication, which underlined the importance of cohesion at the boarders.
INVOLVED: Milena Manns (Head of Department for Culture, Education, Sport, Civic Participation and Europe of the City of Frankfurt (Oder)), Adriana Dydyna-Marycka (Deputy Mayor of Slubice), Michael Kurzwelly (Action artist and founder of “Slubfurt”), Jakub Żygielewicz (Student at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder)), Urszula Pawlik (Employee in Frankfurt (Oder))
Learn how the two cities have worked together to tackle the challenges of the pandemic and successfully strengthened their partnership!
Voices from Connective Cities – Madaba Municipality
The representatives of Madaba municipality in Jordan talk about the vital role of the Local Development Unit in forging partnerships as well as the municipality’s achievements in the field of digitalisation. The head of the Local Development Unit, Mr. Mohammed Abou Gaoud, confirms that the work done with Connective Cities in different thematic fields, for example crisis management, digitalisation and circular economy, will be reflected in Madaba’s local development strategy and will have a real impact
Good Practice: QuattroPole city network-Together against the pandemic | Gemeinsam gegen die Pandemie
Together against the pandemic – cross-border solidarity between Germany, France and Luxembourg.
The QuattroPole region – consisting of the cities of Trier, Saarbrücken, Luxembourg, and Metz – has shown enormous willingness to help, successful communication and fast action between the cities, not only during the COVID pandemic, but also during the flood disaster in the summer of 2021.
“We, as the city of Trier, were shown that a secure network is necessary, that you can’t always help yourself, that you have to rely on external support… For us it has changed, that we pay more attention to supporting each other, especially in this network, QuattroPole.” (A.Kirchartz)
In 2021, the city network QuattroPole received the special prize of the Carl and Anneliese Goerdeler Foundation for its exemplary cooperation during the Corona pandemic. The foundation hereby honors outstanding achievements in municipal administrative practice in Europe. The award is intended to promote peaceful cooperation between municipalities in Europe that brings people together.
INVOLVED: Wolfram Leibe (Lord Mayor of the City of Trier), Didier Dandrifosse (Head of the Medical Department, Luxembourg Air Rescue), Ingo Wagenknecht (Deputy Head of the Office for Fire and Civil Protection, City of Saarbrücken), Andreas Kirchartz (Head of the Office for Fire, Civil Protection and Rescue, City of Trier), Marianne Goerdeler (Granddaughter of the former Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig)
Learn how the QuattroPole network of cities together overcame the challenges of the pandemic and successfully strengthened their partnership
ORGANISER: Connective Cities (GIZ)
CONTACT: franziska.loibl@giz.de