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Urban October 2024 @ GIZ

Urban October is an opportunity started by UN Habitat for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and opportunities created by the fast rate of change in our cities and towns. Each October, everyone interested in sustainable urbanization from national and local governments to universities, NGOs, and communities is encouraged to hold or participate in activities, events, and discussions. The month begins with World Habitat Day on the first Monday of the month and ends with World Cities Day on 31 October. Activities take place on those specific days or at any time during the month. Every year, GIZ Sector Programme Cities hosts an elaborate event programme throughout the month, which will be acessible on

CBD COP 16 (UN Biodiversity Conference 2024)

Cali, Colombia Cali, Colombia

COP 16 will be the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at COP 15 in December 2022 in Montreal, Canada. At COP 16, governments will be tasked with reviewing the state of implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Parties to the Convention are expected to show the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Framework. COP 16 will further develop the monitoring framework and advance resource mobilization for the Global Biodiversity Framework. Among other tasks, COP 16 is also due to finalize and operationalize the multilateral mechanism on the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources. Attached to the CBD COP there will be a Subnational Governments & Cities Summit. (more information tba)

City WORKS in Action: Empowering Local Planning and Innovation


Join us for an event focused on City WORKS, a digital toolkit for bringing global agendas to the local level. We’ll share how GIZ projects have successfully used City WORKS in urban planning and localization processes, featuring real-world examples. You’ll also have the chance to engage with our Community of Practice and discuss how the toolkit can be applied in future projects. This event is designed to spark collaboration and inspire innovative uses of City WORKS. Click here to participate:

Local Area Development Plans Training

A 4-day training where participants gain insights into the preparation of Local Area Development Plans (LADP) for vulnerable urban areas, share experiences, and explore venues for its deployment in their contexts. Participants learn about the four phases and eight steps of producing the LADPs. Each phase is associated with specific inputs, tools/methods, and outputs. They also learn about the different data requirements and sources required. Through practical exercises, attendees gain firsthand experience in navigating the steps, phases, and tools involved in LADP formulation, using a real-life case study. This event is offline and will take place on site in Cairo.

Green Cooling Solutions: A Case Study from GIZ Bonn

GIZ Campus Bonn

The cooling sector accounts for up to 10% of global emissions. The transition to sustainable cooling and heating systems is crucial – and is being promoted by Germany and GIZ. GIZ Bonn Campus is a showcase example as heat pumps with the natural refrigerant propane are used. Natural refrigerants have no ozone depleting potential and only an ultra-low global warming potential, making them the future friendly solution. This is a great opportunity for GIZ colleagues to see an in-house example of globally promoted technology. The session will feature a 10-minute Green Cooling pitch and a tour of the Campus Forum facility to explore the topic in more depth. This event is GIZ-internal and held in German. Please register here.

Facilitating circular economy practices in moroccan urban water management


In a context where water availability is affected by climate change and rapid urban growth (pressure on water resources), sustainable water management is becoming a key challenge and a must do for cities. Integrating the water sector in urban planning and developing a circular water economy can provide an innovative solution to redesign urban development. The aim of this event is to present the Moroccan context and the innovative approach of the " Circular economy in urban water management systems, Morocco" project, with contributions from experts and key stakeholders of the project. This event is held in French. Click here to participate:

Construction in the face of climate change Rethinking and adapting construction in International Cooperation. A virtual gallery walk.


Via PPT, we will create a ‘Digital Gallery’ with examples of climate-adapted construction by GIZ. We integrate photos, videos and factsheets here. At an online event in English (internal and external to GIZ), we will then take a digital gallery walk, i.e. a kind of digital museum tour, and take a closer look at the ‘exhibits’. Click here to participate:

Fortschritt messen: Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung für Kommunen mit dem BNK


Transparency is key? Hell yes! Join us for our one-hour deep dive on sustainability reporting in cities. The German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) will introduce the recently published BNK framework (“Berichtsrahmen Nachhaltige Kommune”). Whether the contribution to the 2030 Agenda or the Federal Sustainability Strategy, the brand-new BNK is designed to help municipalities measure and manage sustainable development locally. Developed with numerous stakeholders and piloted in more than 30 German municipalities since its beta release in 2021, the BNK now aims to be an even more versatile tool and widely accepted standard for sustainability reporting, tailored to meet the diverse needs of municipalities and their specific sustainability strategies. Clicke here to participate:

Empowering Municipalities: Action Levers for Circular Economy Transition


This global session will focus on city action levers, with an introduction to the topic by ICLEI and practical examples from GIZ projects working directly with municipalities on circular economy initiatives. These examples will include the Circular City Labs project, with a focus on internal capacity building and green public events, and the Utility Platform for Strengthening Partnerships of Municipal Utilities showcasing an innovative composting plant in Albania and other activities in Ukraine. The session will conclude with a Q&A/discussion round where participants can share lessons learned and explore which city action levers GIZ could address in the future. This event is GIZ internal. Please contact for participation requests  

Building Resilience: Overview of multi-hazard risk in Ecuadorian cities based on lessons learned, best practices and the QRE-Climate tool approach

Quito, Ecuador

The event consists of a panel with citizen leaders, experts and academics who will present experiences and lessons learned in participatory processes of awareness, training and implementation, related to addressing the impacts caused by natural hazards on cities, livelihoods, infrastructure and urban ecosystems. The estimation of multi-hazard risks faced by cities is an essential element in the process of improve urban resilience. The GIZ-CiREs Program is applying the Quick Risk Estimation Tool (QRE-Climate) in 4 midsize Ecuadorian cities, using the best learnings and successful experiences. This event will take place offline and is held in Spanish.    

Urban Living Labs in the International Development Cooperation


This event will showcase the result of the cooperation between the SP Cities and the Wuppertal Institute, presenting insights on the definition, typologies and the role of urban labs in German Development Cooperation. We will have a look at the Urban Living Lab approach and present products for urban practitioners. Following this presentation, we will delve into practical insights with two distinct inputs from the project Urban Innovation in Africa and the IKU Circular City Labs, who will share their experiences in working with Urban Living Lab approaches in their projects. Click here to particiate:

ISCN Global Mixer: Digital City-makers: grassroot initiatives in digital urban development

Urban planning and governance face ever-increasing challenges in reconciling digital innovation with justice and sustainability needs. In this ISCN Global Mixer, Martin Bangratz (RWTH Aachen) will present the research project “Digital City-makers” and the role of grassroots initiatives in shaping the life and development of cities. Through a mixed-methods, cross-case analysis of three geographically diverse contexts, this research unveils various ways in which digital technologies are appropriated by and for communities. Click here to participate: